Keeping the momentum behind an updated Above the Falls Master Plan

Minneapolis revised Above the Falls Master Plan has begun working its way through the approval process with its first public hearing in late February. FMR, along with many others involved in the process, is excited that the renewed commitment in the plan will bring Minneapolis several steps closer to realizing its vision for the upper riverfront.

But the February 19th pubic hearing at the Minneapolis Planning Commission underscored that there remain key issues that need to be resolved appropriately in the months ahead.

City should stay the course on GAF site

Perhaps most importantly, Minneapolis must stand behind its vision for an ample and continuous expanse of riverfront parkland. Minneapolis must do so amongst critiques from one riverfront landowner in particular: roofing materials manufacturer GAF. GAFs land sits on the northwest corner of Lowry Avenue and the Mississippi River.

For over a decade, the Citys adopted long-range plan has called for GAF to eventually leave the site, with their facility to be replaced with riverfront parkland and new private development behind. The City has long been moving toward the eventual rezoning of GAFs property to accommodate new, more intensive development. New zoning would legally allow GAF to continue operating as long as they wished on the site; if and only if the plant closed would it be subject to the new zoning designation.

The City's plans for parkland on the site arent only theoretical; those plans are already baked right in to key infrastructure investments. As City staff pointed out on February 19th, the new Lowry Avenue Bridge was designed in anticipation of the day there would be a riverfront parkway through the area. The bridge was designed with space underneath for a parkway to go right through the middle of land GAF owns, as has long been indicated in long range plans. No other part of the bridge could accommodate that parkway.

A group of GAF supporters attended the Planning Commission hearing and made what was pretty obviously a political statement aimed at political leaders. They want to roll back longstanding plans to transition toward park and more river-friendly uses on the site. On the other hand, neighborhood leaders testified that years of planning make it imperative for the City to stand behind their long-term plan and vision for park space and redevelopment on that site.

GAF is not a terribly popular neighbor. They occupy prime riverfront land; their plant has among the highest emissions of pollutants in the area; and all but a few of its workers live outside of Minneapolis. Commissioners on the Planning Commission indicated a desire to respectfully acknowledge GAFs legitimate concerns in the Master Plan, but without curtailing the Citys long-held vision and plan for the site.

Keeping momentum for design standards

FMR is also carefully tracking another important aspect of the Above the Falls Plan. Unlike the original Above the Falls Plan, many of the industrial areas adjacent to riverfront parks along the river in North Minneapolis are now proposed to stay commercial or industrial instead of transitioning to a more mixed commercial-residential designation. FMR, along with neighbors throughout the area, have been concerned that these land uses may not be conducive to shaping a welcoming riverfront park space – something that could be a true benefit to North Minneapolis. The City of Minneapolis has studied these uses carefully.

While many neighbors remain skeptical, FMR has been tentatively willing to accept the revised land use designations if they are accompanied by strong design standards to ensure that new park-adjacent uses complement and enliven riverfront parks rather than detract from them. The draft revised Master Plan does outline some general design standards; however, it is far from clear to us how those standards will shape or influence most development along the riverfront. Ideally, additional guidance would be written as part of an update to the zoning code, as applied to the area.

Whats ahead

The Citys review process will continue with a Planning Commission approval, expected in the next month or two. Further, the City Council is expected to take up approval of the revised Above the Falls Master Plan, perhaps in early summer, followed by the Minneapolis Park Board. The Park Board is also working on updating its plan for public spaces in the Above the Falls Regional Park, which will follow later this year. FMR will continue to share updates on this key riverfront planning venture.

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