River Heroes

Volunteers are the bedrock of many of Friends of the Mississippi Rivers programs. Every day, we are delighted at the energy and enthusiasm that people bring to our restoration events, tours and outings, and office projects.

Each year, we work with thousands of volunteers dedicated to making the Mississippi River and its watershed a healthier, more inviting place. Here are some portraits of just a few of these amazing river heroes.

Read a story and get inspired!

Elaine Jervis

[Photo: Elaine Jervis]

Elaine Jerviss reaction as she was told I would be her photographer and profile-writer triggered fears tenacious ice-climb up my socks: she focused her laser-sighted eyes on me and hissed, Make me look tall. Since becoming involved with FMR in 1999, she has volunteered at over 40 events.

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Warren Stortroen

[Photo: Warren Stortroen]

Academic and shy, Warren Stortroen appears just as one might expect of a retired medical insurance claims manager, the last listed profession on his résumé. Nevertheless, behind his oversize accountants glasses, Minnesota Scientific and Natural Areas ball cap and camera-shyness simmers the identity of a genuine ecological superhero.

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Katie Clayton

[Photo: Katie Clayton]

Just when you think you have Katie Clayton all nice and stereotyped, she comes in with the left hook. One minute youre in a deep conversation about pro football; the next, shes telling you she graduated with a Masters in Soils from the University of Minnesota.

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Debbie Jahnke

[Photo: Debbie Jahnke]

Debbie Jahnkes many attributes fold out like tools from a Swiss army knife. From one side comes FMR volunteer, ready to remove spotted knapweed at the Sand Coulee Restoration Project or anywhere it might crop up near her Hastings home. Also included is a dedicated seed collector, anxious to learn about any and all plant life and help re-establish it at places like the erosion barriers at Sand Coulees pond.

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Dot Drake

[Photo: Dot Drake]

They think Im such a great volunteer, but Im actually just enjoying myself outdoors, its my favorite thing to do, Dorothy Dot Drake confides almost conspiratorially. Learn why shes one of FMRs greatest assets in the campaign against invasive garlic mustard.

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Allison Thrash

[Photo: Allison Thrash]

A one-time Junior Naturalist is putting her masters degree (and enthusiasm) to work for FMR.

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Monique Auge-Bodin

[Photo: Monique Auge-Bodin]

Monique Auge-Bodin loves tending to the Mississippi River gorge — and does it with gusto. She appreciates the accessibility of the work, and the approach of FMR staff.

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Lisa Hondros

[Photo: Lisa Hondros]

From first-time advocate to Friends of the Riverfront co-founder, Lisa Hondros concern about Nicollet Island development in her neighborhood has launched a new river advocate into long-term action.

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Liz Fisher

[Photo: Liz Fisher]

Liz Fisher is a dynamo in lining up support for FMRs marquee event, the Mississippi River Challenge. Last year, Liz was responsible for getting approximately three dozen people, including family, friends, and yes — even strangers, to volunteer at the MRC. She has even bigger plans for this year.

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Claire ONeill

[Photo: Claire ONeill]

Well miss Claire ONeill, an intern who worked with incredible efficiency and was undaunted by the most physical of river challenges.

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Sandee Blanchard & Dan Smith

[Photo: Sandee Blanchard and Dan Smith]

Sandee and Dan are lured to water — and theyre also terrific volunteers for FMRs signature water event.

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Jennifer Burt

[Photo: Jennifer Burt]

It all began with research for a class paper -- and now Jennifer Burt is one of our most amazing volunteers!

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Upcoming Events

Throughout February
Hennepin, Ramsey & Washington counties
Saturday, March 8, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:30pm
MWMO, Northeast Minneapolis riverfront
Saturday, April 19, 2025 - 9:30am to 12:00pm
West River Parkway and 36th Street/44th Street, Minneapolis