Legislative Updates

FMR is proud to be a leading voice in protecting the Mississippi River and all the people and wildlife who depend on it. 

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Legislative Updates
What the Mississippi River needs from the new Farm Bill
The Farm Bill accounts for hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of spending on programs that address nutrition, commodity crop production, farmland conservation, research and more. Read more
A pair of hands examining the roots of a small, green plant that has been pulled from an agricultural field.
How FMR's priorities for the Mississippi River fared this session
FMR made progress on every single one of its priorities this legislative session. Here's a roundup of everything that happened. Read more
A collage showing parts of five different photos, all from this legislative session: Two FMR staffers posing with fish postcards in the Capitol; an FMR staffer testifying at a May 1 hearing; A state senator posing with children following a hearing; legislators on a tour at the Forever Green Initiative facilities; printed papers with the FMR logo, shown with the Capitol building in the background.
In a first, Legislature includes all Clean Water Fund recommendations in budget
The council's recommendations include funding for one of FMR's top legislative priorities. Read more
Minnesota lake surrounded by trees
12 other wins for the Mississippi River from this legislative session
While FMR wasn't leading on these efforts, we were quite happy to see them come out of the Capitol this session. Read more
High river waters in the foreground, flooding a wooded shoreline.
A win for the great outdoors: Voters will get to rededicate lottery funds to the environment
Lottery funds for the Great Outdoors will be back on the ballot — though without some sought-after new revenue. Read more
Loon plus text: "#MNLEG Final Update"
Diverse new work group sets stage for cleaner transportation in MN
A Clean Transportation Standard would be a big victory for the climate and a real boon for the Mississippi River. Read more
An electric car with its charging port open and a charging cord inserted.
Invasive carp barrier: A strong starting point, but Minnesota needs more — and soon
Invasive carp are on the doorstep of Lake Pepin, the St. Croix River watershed, the Minnesota River watershed and other waterways. Legislature funding gets us moving in the right direction on protection. Read more
FMR staff testifies at Legislature on invasive carp + text: "#MNLEG Final Update"


Upcoming Events

Saturday, April 20 - 9:30 AM to Noon
West River Parkway and 36th Street/44th Street, Minneapolis
Applications due Friday, May 3 by 5 p.m.
Virtual and in-person
Wednesday, May 8, 2024 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Hampton Woods Wildlife Management Area