Updates and Articles

Minnesota takes a giant leap toward clean drinking water for all
An estimated 100,000-plus lead service lines are still in use in Minnesota. This bill will help replace a significant percentage of them. Read more
A hand holding a glass up to a running faucet. Water is filling the glass.
Welcome to four new FMR staff
This spring we're excited to introduce you to four new staff who will work with our youth programs, events, restoration projects and pollinator research. Read more
Julia, Leah, Carrie, Sov
Celebrating the Water Knowledge Network
FMR debuted our Water Knowledge Network last summer to share community knowledge about water and love for water, while building skills for youth and adults to care for our watershed. Here's what we learned. Read more
People circled in community garden
FMR joins environmental group's petition for clean drinking water in SE Minnesota
Nitrate levels in private and public wells are endangering drinking water for southeastern Minnesotans. We've signed on to a petition to urge the EPA to take action. Read more
Person holding drinking water in Kernza field
Action Alert: Tell legislators to support FMR's priorities for the river
The time is now. Tell lawmakers to take action for the river by supporting FMR's priorities this legislative session. Read more
The Capitol building in St. Paul, set against a cloudy sky. Text says "#MNLEG 2023"
Where we work: Vermillion River Linear Park
Located along the Vermillion River and the Greenway trail in Hastings, this park's connection to the river and historical roots as a prairie have led us to work with local students and partners to restore its diverse habitats. Read more
Coneflowers on a prairie
Must-see FMR spring birding sites along the river
Enjoy the wonder of spring migration season with a visit to some of FMR's top Mississippi River flyway restoration sites. Read more
A singing common yellowthroat grips a thorny branch.
Where FMR's 2023 priorities stand at the Legislature
An overview of the progress we've made — and what still needs to happen — as we enter the final weeks of the session. Read more
Looking up at the iconic dome of the Capitol building in St. Paul, against a clear blue sky as backdrop. Text over the image says "FMR's priorities #MNLEG"
Star Tribune: Minnesotans ‘won't forgive today's officeholders for their inaction on invasive carp’
You should blame any future carp catastrophe on those who failed to act during this critical moment, outdoors columnist Dennis Anderson argues. Read more
A pile of sliver carp.
'State of Our River' event asks how we can protect, restore the Mississippi
Rep. Betty McCollum, lead author on the MRRRI bill, hosted the event. It featured discussions with local experts, including FMR Executive Director Whitney Clark. Read more
Rep. Betty McCollum stands on the lefthand side of the frame, speaking into a microphone. Four panel participants sit at a table behind her. One of them is FMR Executive Director Whitney Clark.


Upcoming Events

Tuesday, July 30, 2024 - 5:30pm to 8:00pm
Rotary Pavilion at Levee Park, Hastings
Saturday, August 3, 2024 - 9:00am to 2:00pm
Mississippi River Gorge, Minneapolis
New date: Saturday, August 10, 2024 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm
Hidden Falls Regional Park, St. Paul