Where We Work

We are on Dakota homelands

Wakpá Tháŋka or Haha Wakpa is the Dakota name for the river that connects all waters and all lives where we live. Despite the ongoing deep injustices of violence and stolen land, the first human caretakers of this place continue to be powerful protectors of these lands and waters. 

As a non-Native-led organization working on land stolen from the Dakota people, FMR’s mission to protect, enhance and restore the Mississippi River and its watersheds in the Twin Cities region is inherently intertwined with the work of our Indigenous neighbors and peers. ... Read our full land acknowledgment.

Featured photo: The confluence of the Minnesota and Mississippi rivers, known to many Dakota people as Bdóte and often considered sacred. (Photo: Tom Reiter for FMR) 

Protection and restoration sites

FMR's conservation program maintains dozens of habitat restoration and land protection sites in the metro area. Yellow is prairie. Dark green is forest. Brown is oak savanna. Light green indicates raingardens. Blue is a special turtle nest protection site.

You may notice that many of our restoration sites are close to one another. As part of our planning and selection process, we strive to create wildlife or habitat corridors.

Land use and planning advocacy sites

At each of our metro riverfront sites, FMR's land use and planning program partners with community organizations, local residents and River Guardians to ensure that the essential values of public access, equity, environmental sustainability, and community enjoyment of the river are respected.

Volunteer and stewardship groups

FMR's stewardship team offers educational and volunteer programming throughout the metro area.

Water quality advocacy

To protect the water of our Twin Cities metro Mississippi River, we must reduce the amount of pollution being carried to it from tributaries throughout Minnesota. FMR's water program frequently advocates for statewide and national policies and initiatives. Please enjoy this NASA animation of our amazing Mississippi River watershed as it reminds us of the interconnectedness of our waters.

Did you know our local river stretch is a national park?

FMR staff's recommended river spots

Learn more and Explore the River.

Upcoming Events

Saturday, April 19, 2025 - 9:30am to 12:00pm
West River Parkway and 36th Street/44th Street, Minneapolis
Saturday, April 19, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:30pm
MWMO, Northeast Minneapolis riverfront
Apply now for spring through summer program
Sites in Elk River, Hastings or Inver Grove Heights