Education events a success in 2014

FMR staff member Adam Flett shares tips on protecting our river from road salt.
Photo: FMR
In 2014, FMR expanded our repertoire of stewardship events to include not only habitat restoration and clean-up events, but also educational activities for both youth and adults. We worked with many amazing people including over 1,500 participants at 49 educational events. Participants learned a variety of ways to help our river at home and in their community.
Rain Barrel Workshops
In 2014, FMR held three rain barrel workshops as well as one rain barrel rollout, all in partnership with Coca-Cola. The rain barrel rollout provided over 200 people with rain barrels and installation kits through the rollout, and many more attended our workshops. Overall, we were able to put over 300 rain barrels in the hands of river-stewards this year!

Super volunteer Bea Schneider hauls rain barrels at the NE Minneapolis rain barrel rollout.
Photo: FMR
Our rain barrel workshops provide an overview of ways to use and install rain barrels, as well as background information on why and how rain barrels can help make your yard river-friendly. Workshop participants get their own rain barrel and convenient conversion kit, and can take the first steps towards instillation at the workshop.
Watershed Workshops and Science Museum of Minnesota Presentation
FMR's largest river-related issues forum was called Our Water in a Changing World: Climate Change in the Urban Watershed held at the Science Museum in February. 250 people came to hear about effects of climate change in our urban ecosystems.
We also held three In-home Water Stewardship Workshops and three Landscape for the River Workshops. These workshops focused on actions to take at home and in the yard to protect and enhance water quality.
Special Places Site Tours
In 2014, FMR held tours at Cottage Grove Ravine Park where participants spent time sampling macroinvertebrates from the pond as well as learning about wetland plants and local restoration efforts; and at Mounds Park where participants heard about the history, transportation, and public works of St. Paul while enjoying beautiful views of the river and city. Participants on these tours, led by FMR staff or local experts, got to hear about the history and the ecological significance of the area.
Classroom Education
This year FMR staff engaged with 30 classroom groups for a total of 822 students. Efforts here have continued to expand, and we're hoping to keep it up in 2015!
For teachers or anyone with a group of students or youth, FMR also leads classes on a variety of water related issues. These topics can be anything from what is a watershed to invasive species. Each of these programs include a hands on activity or game and last about an hour.
Thank you to all of our 2014 participants for learning about and working to protect the river. If you are interested in participating in educational activities in 2015, you can contact Outreach Coordinator sue rich at or 651-222-2193 x14; if you have a group or classroom please contact Assistant Stewardship Coordinator Kate Clayton at or 651-222-2193 x23.