Elizabeth Kolbert — 'The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History'

Thursday, April 13, 2017 - 7:30pm
Northrup Hall, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

FMR is proud to be a community partner for this important upcoming event featuring esteemed science journalist Elizabeth Kolbert, speaking on her 2015 Pulitzer Prize-winning book: The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History.

Kolbert is known for her incisive writing at The New Yorker, her acclaimed global warming report Field Notes on a Catastrophe, and, most recently, The Sixth Extinction — a timely, meticulously researched book that combines scientific analysis and personal narratives to explain the calamitous effects we humans are wreaking on our planet. 

She offers a clear and comprehensive history of earth’s previous mass extinctions — and the species we’ve lost — as well as an engaging description of the extraordinarily complex nature of life. The Sixth Extinction was also named one of The New York Times’ Ten Best Books of the Year and No. 1 in The Guardian’s 100 Best Nonfiction Books of All Time.

This Friends Forum event is brought to you by the Friends of the University of Minnesota Libraries and Friends of the Mississippi River. FMR members and supporters may purchase discounted tickets for $20 (a 20 percent discount off general admission) using the code below. 

Tickets are now on sale.
Purchase tickets: Enter code ULEKPartner  

For questions about the event or tickets, please contact U of M Tickets and Events, 612-624-2345,umntix@umn.edu.

"Homo sapiens may have enjoyed brilliant success but we have done so at the expense of virtually every other species.”  -- Elizabeth Kolbert

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