Join the Plastic-Free Challenge

Friends of the Mississippi River (FMR) is proud to partner in the Plastic-Free* Challenge which aims to help significantly reduce plastic use throughout February.
We encourage FMR supporters (as well as staff and board members!) who live or work in Hennepin, Ramsey or Washington counties to:
• Sign up as an individual, and
• Join the "community" team, or create your own with friends, family or coworkers.
• Or, if you're with another organization, become an official partner to help spread the word!
Free produce and snack bags
To support the effort, FMR is offering reusable produce and snack bags.
Sign up for the challenge (in whatever capacity works for you) via any of the links above, and then you can pick up your bags Saturday, February 8, 10 a.m.-noon at the FMR office, located in St. Paul near Harriet Island. (We'll be hosting our annual "Show Some Love for the River" event during this time.)
Please submit the form below to let us know you plan to drop by and pick your bags up (so we can ensure adequate supplies), and we'll send directions.
A quick note
*We recognize that "plastic-free" may not be an achievable goal. Some essential items, such as medical devices, are only available in plastic. But the goal of this challenge is not perfection. It is to support and celebrate lower-waste habits that help reduce harm to the Mississippi River, wildlife and our drinking water.
For more information about the Plastic-Free Challenge, contact the Zero Waste Challenge coordinator at
Hennepin, Ramsey and Washington counties