Pull invasive species near the Vermillion River's South Creek
Located in Farmington, South Creek feeds the Vermillion River, a cold prairie river flowing through the heart of Dakota County and an important tributary of the Mississippi River. Volunteers will work closely with FMR staff and fellow volunteers to remove buckthorn and other invading trees, shrubs and plants. Buckthorn is extremely hardy and able to thrive in a variety of soil and light conditions. It out-competes native plant species that are vital for increased habitat and biodiversity.
All are welcome, however, capacity is limited and registration required. All supplies and training will be provided and volunteers will work closely with FMR staff. This event is part of the Vermillion Stewards program, helping Vermillion River Watershed residents learn about the local watershed while working to protect and enhance its unique natural resources.
Ready to register?
To sign up and receive directions to the meeting spot, contact FMR Volunteer Coordinator Amy Kilgore via the contact form (please select Amy by name from the staff list under "Category") or at akilgore@fmr.org, 651-222-2193 x31. Please include the name of the event, your name, address and phone number and the number in your party.
You will receive a confirmation email from akilgore@fmr.org within two business days. (If you don't, please check your SPAM folder.)
If you're under 18 and interested in volunteering without the company of your parent or guardian, please take a moment and have them fill out this brief minor permission form.
Can't make it?
To receive notices of future Vermillion Stewards events, contact FMR Volunteer Coordinator Amy Kilgore at akilgore@fmr.org. Or, visit our Events Calendar for our most up-to-date listing of upcoming events. To receive a twice-a-month e-newsletter including all FMR activities and news, sign up for Mississippi Messages.
Thank you to our partners and funders: Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization as a part of the Vermillion River Stewards Outreach Program, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota Natural Resources and Environmental Trust Fund.