Woodland Seedling Tending [FULL]

This event has reached capacity and registrations are no longer being taken. Thank you for your interest!
This event has reached capacity and registrations are no longer being taken. Please consider:
• Signing up for another FMR event.
• Signing up for the Vermillion Stewards email list with FMR Outreach & Volunteer Coordinator sue rich, srich@fmr.org. Vermillion Stewards events take place throughout Dakota County, including the Sand Coulee Scientific & Natural Area. We send 4-8 Vermillion Stewards emails a year.
• Signing up for Mississippi Messages to receive a full calendar of all upcoming FMR events twice a month.
Working alongside FMR and Dakota County staff, volunteers will install and tend to tree tubes, helping to protect seedlings planted this spring. In addition to protecting the young trees from rabbits and deer, the tubes will shelter them from high winds and create a sort of microclimate to help them make it through their first winter.
Located in the center of Dakota County, Whitetail Woods is bordered by Vermillion River wildlife and aquatic management areas. This event is part of the Vermillion Stewards program, providing opportunities for hands-on stewardship of this unique cold prairie river and its watershed.
Learn more
- Vermillion River Stewards
- Dakota County's newest park: Nature at home, Star Tribune, June 5, 2015
- Whitetail Woods, Dakota County Parks
- How Tree Tubes work, Tree Protection Supply blog
Thank you event partners Dakota County Parks and Vermillion Stewards sponsors the Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization.