Grassroots Organizing Coordinator Maddie Miller shares what it was like advocating for the Mississippi River alongside coalition partners in D.C. Read more
A bill to create a place-based, whole-river program Mississippi River Restoration and Resilience Initiative Act was introduced in both the House and the Senate for the first time. Read more
Despite its high environmental and economic costs, the literal "pipe dream" of diverting water from the Mississippi River to Arizona, Colorado and other dry states won't disappear. Read more
When farm fields are bare, there’s nothing to stop soil, fertilizers and other farm chemicals from washing off into our rivers, lakes and streams. This "big brown spot" in the Midwest is by far the largest source of pollution to the Mississippi. Read more
Rep. Betty McCollum, lead author on the MRRRI bill, hosted the event. It featured discussions with local experts, including FMR Executive Director Whitney Clark. Read more
In 2022, 1,225 River Guardians sent 2,974 letters to 166 decision-makers, significantly impacting our work towards a healthier, more resilient river community. Read more