City of Fridley earns the Blue Star Award

Friends of the Mississippi River is pleased to announce that the City of Fridley has earned the Blue Star Award for Excellence in Community Stormwater Management.
Fridley, like all Blue Star communities, is taking a leadership role in protecting Minnesota's water resources and public health through excellence in stormwater management.
The city became one of only 20 cities in Minnesota to earn the award by scoring highly on the Blue Star Assessment, a rigorous assessment of community clean water policies and practices. Additionally, Fridley earned special recognition for:
- The eighth highest overall score out of more than 50 participating communities in the state and is recognized on the Blue Star Leaderboard (link to
- The highest score in the state on the Stormwater Pollution Prevention section of the assessment.
Fridley is doing truly exceptional work managing stormwater. Please join us in thanking and congratulating the community, including:
- Fridley Mayor Scott Lund and the City Council Members
- Fridley watershed partners
- Julie Jones, Planning Manager
- Jim Kosluchar, Public Works Director
- Kay Qualley, Environmental Planner
- City crews who implement best stormwater practices
Interested in what Fridley had to say about receiving the award? The Fridley-area Sun Focus covered the city's response.
Is your city a Blue Star Award winner? Find out here.
For more information about the Blue Star Award Program, visit or contact FMR's Alicia Uzarek at