Governor Dayton establishes new MPCA advisory committee

Earlier this month, Governor Mark Dayton signed an executive order partially reviving the 48-year old Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Citizen's Board that was eliminated during the 2015 legislative session.
Governor Dayton's executive order created a new Governor's Committee to Advise the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). While the committee, which will consist of eight members plus the MPCA Commissioner, won't have the same authority as the original MPCA Citizens Board, the committee will restore an important forum for public input on environmental decision-making by the agency.
The committee will be charged with advising the MPCA on matters related to environmental review, permitting, adoption of new or revised agency rules and requests for variances from existing agency rules.
“As regulators make decisions, and enforce our state’s environmental protection laws, Minnesota citizens need and deserve a seat at the table,” said Governor Dayton. “I am proud to sign this Executive Order today, and look forward to appointing a group of qualified, committed citizen leaders to carry out this important work.”
Strong Support from the Conservation Community
FMR applauds Governor Dayton for his leadership on this issue. The conservation community, along with citizens from across the state decried the loss of the MPCA Citizens Board, which was abolished by the 2015 Minnesota Legislature through last-minute language added to the Omnibus Agriculture and Environment Finance Bill.
The new Governor's Committee re-established an important venue for local residents affected by the MPCA's environmental management decisions.
“Citizen engagement is important for transparent and deliberate decision making,” said MPCA Commissioner John Linc Stine. “Ensuring citizens have a voice in how our laws are enforced greatly enhances our efforts to protect and improve the water we drink, the air we breathe and the land and resources we all depend on to maintain a high quality of life in Minnesota.”
Minnesotans Encouraged to Apply
FMR encourages qualified Minnesotans to apply to serve on the Governor's Committee to Advise the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
Applicants may apply by submitting an official application through the Open Appointments process coordinated by the Secretary of State’s Office. Applicants simply complete an Open Appointments Application form and include a résumé or biography with the application.