Pullers. Painters. Planters. Pickers. — Hats off to FMR volunteers!

Providing habitat. Protecting pollinators. Educating neighbors to be river-friendly. Folding letters. In the field, on the street, in the office — FMR volunteers do it all.
To all of you who have made the time to actively care for the Mighty Mississippi: THANK YOU!
At our 79 volunteer events and outings so far this year:
• 752 people helped clean up our watershed (Who knows how many bags of trash volunteers picked up altogether!)
• 397 volunteers removed roughly 20 pickup truck beds full of invasive species
• 996 people stenciled 1,333 storm drains on St. Paul streets and distributed 3,352 related educational flyers
A few dozen volunteers also planted native shrubs and trees at the rare oak savanna in Minneapolis, hand-sorted native prairie seed for future habitat restoration and pitched in with everything from letter-folding to arts and crafts at FMR's downtown St. Paul headquarters!
An additional 133 people joined the movement to make their yards more river-friendly, participating in FMR workshops, including 83 who made and took home their own rain barrels.
Would you like to join us?
For upcoming volunteer as well as educational opportunities:
• See the FMR.org calendar
• Sign up for Mississippi Messages to receive biweekly updates of current FMR offerings
• Or contact Outreach & Volunteer Coordinator sue rich at srich@fmr.org or 651-222-2193 x14 to learn more about FMR volunteer programs