Why are MN's largest companies leading the charge to roll back our environmental protections?

Check the websites of Minnesota’s largest companies and you’ll learn a lot about their commitment to sustainability. They all have “chief sustainability officers” who swear allegiance to their “triple bottom line.” These companies know their customers, employees and shareholders care about protecting the environment and believe business and profits can coexist with clean rivers and lakes.
Imagine our disappointment to see these same companies, through their policy lobbying organization the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, leading the charge for some of the most radical anti-environmental legislation we’ve ever seen at the State Capitol this year.
These are some of Minnesota’s best-known companies like Target, Best Buy, 3M, Medtronic, U.S. Bank, General Mills, Ecolab, Xcel Energy, Hormel and Delta Air Lines. They all have seats on the Chamber's board. Is it possible the CEOs of these corporations are prepared to publicly stand behind these reckless bills? We doubt it.
Recently, the Star Tribune published a commentary by two former Minnesota business executives (including FMR Board Member Peter Gove) calling on the leadership of these companies to disavow these legislative proposals that would make our water and air more polluted and tell the Chamber to back off.
FMR also worked with other conservation organizations to circulate a petition calling on the Chamber to stop defending polluters, submitted ease take a moment to sign it.
The Minnesota Legislature is scheduled to finish its work by May 21. By that time we should be able to judge where these venerable companies really stand on the issue of sustainability.