Help shape the future of the Vermillion River: Final corridor workshops this month

The Vermillion River is a major Mississippi tributary and the only trophy trout stream in a metro area in the nation. This month, you can play a significant role in its future.

Photo: Dakota County

For the past year, Dakota County staff and residents, in partnership with FMR and Hoisington Koegler Group Inc., have been working to develop a comprehensive vision for the future of the Vermillion River.

The plan, designed to protect and enhance water quality, habitat, recreation and economic development opportunities in the Vermillion River corridor, is nearing completion and will be the subject of a pair of workshops later this month. (An excellent overview of this process is available in the January Metropolitan Council newsletter (link is external).)

Public input is also needed to identify collaborative opportunities for improvements and recommend priorities. State and local funding is available to implement pilot projects — such as easement acquisition, bank stabilization, grassland restoration or improved public access — determined by this process.

Two identical workshops will be offered:

Both workshops are free and all residents of the Vermillion River watershed (including all of Dakota and parts of Scott County) are encouraged to attend. To sign up for the workshop of your choice, or for more information about the Vermillion River Corridor Plan, please contact Dakota County at 952-891-7000 or (link sends e-mail). Additional information is also available at (link is external) by searching for "Vermillion Corridor".

Partners for the Vermillion River Corridor Planning project include Dakota County, Scott County and the Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization. The Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources and Active Living Dakota County funds the project.

— Trevor Russell, Watershed Program Director

Upcoming Events

Saturday, April 19, 2025 - 9:30am to 12:00pm
West River Parkway and 36th Street/44th Street, Minneapolis
Saturday, April 19, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:30pm
MWMO, Northeast Minneapolis riverfront
Thursday, May 8, 2025 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Hampton Woods Wildlife Management Area