Seeing the Big River: Mississippi River Bound #50
There are many ways to experience the big river. In this regular feature well "See the Big River" through the eyes of FMRs Artist-in-Residence, Peter L. Johnson. Peter works alongside FMRs staff and volunteers as we strive to protect and improve this cherished community asset.
Photo: Peter L. Johnson
Artists statement
These gooey petrochemicals drip onto railroad ties and onto the earth and. of course, as we know become part of the ecosystem of the Mississippi River. I found this poison a weak stones throw from the shoreline of Lake Pepin."
About the artist
Peter L. Johnson draws upon his varied background as a documentary photographer, solo street performance artist, painter and social activist to create the overall tenet of his artistic practice, Seeing the Big River. His lyrical photographs, collected "specimens" and gasoline-infested Mississippi Mud paintings discover beauty amongst the damage we do to our environment. Learn more at