Let us know if you'd like to help with spring restoration events!

Spring through summer
Throughout the Twin Cities metro area
We'll be back to pull garlic mustard (and more) in no time!

We'll be back to pulling garlic mustard (and more) in no time!

The FMR Stewardship Team is busy planning for another packed restoration season. We're looking forward to getting our hands dirty alongside some pretty amazing volunteers to help protect, enhance and restore important landscapes and habitat for all of the critters and plant species who rely on the river.

We'll need helping hands at everything from our annual Minneapolis Earth Day cleanup to native plantings, tendings, invasive species removals and other habitat restoration activities.

If you've never attended a restoration event with FMR, here's a few things you should know:

  • All are welcome! We provide all tools and safety training – no previous experience is needed.
  • We value your time and do our best to make events easy to sign up for and hold them at convenient times. Events typically only require a 2-3 hour time commitment on a weekday evening or Saturday morning.
  • To make sure everyone is busy and has a chance to ask questions of our event staff and ecologists, we limit registration.
  • And because we work hard to ensure a quality experience, our outdoor events are pretty popular and tend to reach capacity. So when we do email you about them, don't forget to RSVP! 

Learn more

Visit our volunteer and stewardship programs page to learn more about the unique places we work. Take a peek at our Flickr albums to see our dedicated volunteers in action! And read more about what volunteers accomplished in 2023.

Get in touch 

Interested in helping? Great! Contact FMR Volunteer Coordinator Carrie Pomeroy at volunteer@fmr.org or 651-477-0925, and we'll add you to the email list for the FMR stewardship program and events nearest to you. We'll also add you to the Mississippi Messages list so you get the complete FMR calendar twice a month, as well as important river news, resources and action alerts right in your inbox.

We look forward to working with you!

* Event season is typically mid-April through late-October. 

Upcoming Events

Tuesday, August 13 OR Thursday, September 12, 2024 - 5:30pm to 6:30pm
Dual Citizen Brewing, St. Paul
Flexible! Now through mid-October
St. Paul
Three options: August 15, September 17, October 5, 2024
Hidden Falls Regional Park, St. Paul