River Story: 'Eldest Daughter Questions Mississippi' (poem)

Father, will you play with me?

.......Daughter, you might not have noticed, but I am playing constantly — jumping, rolling, making waves, becoming quiet for no reason. Just waiting for you to join me!

Father, what was it like when you were very young?

.......Daughter, I'll explain it to you some day. Time is a mystery. I come from humble beginnings, but many streams have joined me, many storms have watered me, and many winter squalls have slowed my progress. My job is just to observe and keep moving.

Father, were you always so handsome?

.......Daughter, I'm just who I am. It's only through your eyes that I seem great, eternal, or wise.

Father, when you leave, will you take me with you?

.......Daughter, I never know where I might rest, but every time you visit and enjoy my company, I am giving you knowledge that will help you follow your own path.

Father, I'm getting very busy...I may not be able to visit you for a long time.

.......Daughter, you're an adult now. You have many obligations. Take them on wholeheartedly. Just remember I will always be here for you whenever you need me. Don't be afraid if I seem distant. I'll always have a place for you to rest.

Father? Father? .....Dad?

.......[It's winter now. All is silent.]

Father? I'm alone. I'm scared. Please speak to me.

.......[The trees are bare, the woods are quiet. The animals are gone or sleeping in secret places. The River is still and its surface is white with deep blue ice where it passes near the Daughter's home.]

.......[from a Great Distance: My daughter, I love you. Please think of me in the springtime when the new birds sing. Visit me in summer- it will be warmer then, and even if we don't speak, we can still sit together and share a silence. Come to me in October, when the trees rain golden leaves and the shortened days still leave time for remembrance. Even in winter, I will always be here in some form, until it is time for me to slow down long enough to bring a boat... to show you the way home.

by Willow Thompson


The River Story Map

Created and coordinated by volunteer extraordinaire Michael Bischoff, the River Story Map kicks off FMR's silver anniversary year with 25+ stories of friendship with and connection to the metro Mississippi.  These honest and personal reflections portray the river as a source of intrigue and adventure, a beloved date night venue, and even an unlikely partner in tales of loss and healing. We hope you enjoy them and consider adding your personal story of friendship with the Mississippi River.

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Our River Campaign:
It all starts here

At the heart of this new campaign is the vision of a healthy Mississippi River.