Deanna Wiener

Professional experience: Real estate broker for 30 years with Cardinal Realty. Served 38th District as State Senator, 1993-2002, representing Eagan.
Education: Trained as a registered nurse, St. Marys Junior College.
FMR Board committee: Chair, Development Committee
Quote: I am honored to help preserve and protect a portion of America's artery.
Hobbies: Biking, traveling, cooking, being a grandma.
Interesting book: Life of Pi, by Yann Martel.
Favorite Mississippi River location: Mounds Park. I love viewing the river's majesty from above and it is near where I grew up.
Favorite animal: Slow loris (slow-moving strepsirrhine primate that ranges from Borneo and the southern Philippines in southeast Asia, through Bangladesh, Vietnam, southern China [Yunnan area] and Thailand.)
Last memorable vacation: Biking in Spain
Favorite musician: Ry Cooder
Conservation/Environmental heroes: Meridel LeSeuer.