West Side Flats plan revision

In November 2012, the Saint Paul Planning Commission initiated an update of the West Side Flats Master Plan and Development Guidelines. The current plan was adopted in 2001 to guide the development of a mixed-use urban village on the West Side Flats (bounded by Wabasha Street, Plato Boulevard, Robert Street and the Mississippi River).

The best way to learn more about the process is to attend the first of three community open houses on April 1, 2013, 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the Wellstone Center, room 212 (179 East Robie Street, St. Paul). Planners are looking for community input to help establish a vision for the future of the West side Flats. You can also share your ideas about the West side Flats online by visiting the city's website at www.stpaul.gov/open.

The original plan has served the community well by ensuring that the vision for an urban village remains a high priority. Many FMR members and activists will recall how important the plan was in the effort to successfully stop the proposed mega-development, the Bridges of Saint Paul.

A key component of the plan revision will be to expand the geographic area to the east to include the area bounded by Robert Street, Plato Boulevard, Hwy. 52 and the Mississippi River. The plan update will address urban design, land use, sewer capacity, and the need for a more complete, innovative stormwater management approach.

The City has hired a multi-disciplinary consultant team,to assist with the plan update, and the Planning Commission has appointed a task force of 12-15 community stakeholders (including FMR staff) that will meet to provide advice and input throughout the plan update process. FMR will also provide periodic updates and announcements about public meetings and a design charrette to take place later this year.

The 2001 plan was developed by a collaboration of the West Side Community Organization, Neighborhood Development Alliance, Riverview Economic Development Association, Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation, Saint Paul on the Mississippi Design Center and City of Saint Paul.

Upcoming Events

New date: February 15, 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
FMR's office, near Harriet Island in St. Paul
Throughout February
Hennepin, Ramsey & Washington counties
Saturday, April 19 - 9:30 AM to Noon
West River Parkway and 36th Street/44th Street, Minneapolis