Chris Higgins (retired from FMR board)

Chris Higgins is the Internal Communications Specialist for The Mosaic Company in Minneapolis.
Education: B.A., Philosophy and Business Management; M.A., Business Management, Saint Mary's University in Minnesota.
Quote: "Get on the river. Experience the national park flowing right through our community.”
Hobbies: Bicycling, camping, traveling.
FMR Board member since: 2004
Board committee: Development
Interesting book: Shantaram, Gregory David Roberts
Favorite Mississippi River location: Overlook in Perrot State Park.
Favorite animal: California Condor
Last memorable vacation: Drakensberg Mountains, South Africa
Favorite musicians: Lisa Fischer, Beet Root Stew
Conservation/environmental heroes: John Muir and anybody who sweeps their grass clippings out of the street gutter.