Farewell Katie Clower
Photo: Irene Jones/Friends of the Mississippi River
It is with both sadness and pride that we are saying goodbye to Katie Clower, FMRs Youth & Community Engagement Coordinator and Program Assistant during the past two years. Katie is moving on at the end of this month to a new job as a facilitator for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Fish & Wildlife division. Katies passion for meaningful dialogue and experience with community engagement will serve her well in her new role at the DNR.
Katies contributions to FMRs stewardship program are too numerous to list here, but we are grateful that many of her efforts will support our work well into the future. Katie helped to grow FMRs youth programming in both Minneapolis and Saint Paulcoordinating community outreach and stewardship projects with new groups and partners in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, north and northeast Minneapolis and St. Pauls east side. She also developed educational tools, such as presentations, displays and watershed models, designed to engage a diversity of students and community groups in hands-on learning about the Mississippi River. Katie touched the lives of thousands of students and volunteers during the past two years, and she will be greatly missed.
From all of us in the FMR family, we thank you Katie, and we wish you the best of luck.