FMR teams up to help create a new vision for the Vermillion River Corridor

FMR and volunteers work to count fish along the Vermillion River Corridor in 2005.
Photo: Katie Galloway / FMR
FMR, in partnership with Dakota County and Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. is launching a groundbreaking river corridor planning project this summer in the Vermillion River Watershed.
The project, which begins with a series of public meetings this June & July, is designed to develop a vision for the river that protects water quality, enhances wildlife habitat, shapes recreational opportunities and plans for growth and economic development throughout the Vermillion River corridor.
Why now? Because the Vermillion, which runs from its headwaters in Elko New Market to Hastings, is at a crossroads.
The project will develop a collaborative comprehensive plan for the Vermilion River and three major tributaries. The plan goals are to improve water quality, protect and connect habitat, help shape future growth and development along the River, and provide appropriate opportunities for recreation. With the Plan, the project will develop a Collaborative Charter essentially a partnership agreement for funding, development, governance, and ongoing stewardship of the corridor among the various land authorities.
Want to Get Involved?Public engagement in the plan is just getting underway, and there is plenty of opportunity to help shape the outcome. Over the coming months, a number of public workshops will be held at various stages of planning to solicit feedback from the general public. Anyone interested in planning around the Vermillion River is encouraged to come.

The first round of open houses is scheduled for the coming weeks. One open house will be held to focus on each district of the river, though anyone may attend any open house. The times and locations are listed below.
If you have any questions about the project, contact Trevor Russell, Watershed Program Director, at 651-222-2193 x18.
Empire Open Space DistrictThursday, June 11th, 2009
6:30 8:30pm
University of Minnesota Dakota Extension Office
4100 220th St W, Farmington, MN
Hastings District
Monday, June 15th, 2009
6:30 8:30pm
Hastings City Hall Community Room
101 4th Street E, Hastings, MN
Lakeville/Farmington District
Thursday, June 18th, 2009
6:30 8:30pm
University of Minnesota Dakota County Extension Office
4100 220th St W, Farmington, MN
Headwaters District
Monday, June 22nd, 2009
6:30 8:30pm
Farmington Library
508 Third St, Farmington, MN
Castle Rock/Marshan/Vermillion District
Wednesday, July 1st, 2009
6:30 8:30pm
University of Minnesota Dakota County Extension Office
4100 220th St W, Farmington