A fond farewell to staffer Adam Flett

We raised a glass and shared a virtual toast last month to Adam Flett, FMR's Stewardship and Education program director who recently stepped down from his position after more than eight years of service to FMR. While Adam will be missed, he leaves a legacy of many thousands of volunteers and participants who've gotten their hands dirty to learn about and help the river.
We hired Adam in 2012 as FMR's Mississippi River Challenge manager, coordinating a dizzying array of logistical details so that hundreds of paddlers could enjoy a two-day, 44-mile adventure on the river.
After two years Adam was promoted to stewardship events coordinator where he recruited volunteers and organized literally hundreds of education programs and volunteer stewardship events. If you've ever volunteered for FMR you likely know Adam as the smiling face handing out tools and gloves or teaching the basics of how to construct a rain barrel.
Since 2018 Adam has led FMR's stewardship, education and youth programming as our program director.
He's been a beloved member of the FMR team, but Adam promises FMR staff and volunteers will still see a lot of him at upcoming events.
Adam has taken a new position with one of FMR's regular partners, the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO), where his work will continue to benefit our great river.
In fact, we recently had the opportunity to reconnect and plant climate-resilient trees in MWMO's gravel-bed nursery together. Learn more and check out the video about this FMR-Mississippi Watershed Management Organization project.