FMR River Guardians are now 2,000 strong!

By the end of the 2018 Minnesota legislative session this spring, FMR River Guardians exceeded a major milestone: we topped 2,000 members. That means that FMR can call on over 2,000 people to contact their representatives on behalf of the Mighty Mississippi when threats to the river arise.
River Guardians' impact in 2018
Since the beginning of 2018, River Guardians helped save 7.5 acres of open space parkland in Inver Grove Heights, reined in water quality rollbacks at the Capitol, worked for improved public access to the riverfront in North and Northeast Minneapolis and much more.
Your participation matters. When this many people speak up as one voice to protect, enhance and restore the Mississippi River and watershed, we make real change.
Join us!
Interested in becoming a River Guardian? Program staff here at FMR work hard to make staying informed and advocating for the river as easy as possible. We hold special issue trainings and events for our River Guardians, plus happy hours to toast our successes. Sign up today!
Learn more about the issues FMR and our RIver Guardians weigh in on our Advocate page.