Justice for George Floyd

We are deeply saddened and outraged by the brutal killing of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, at the hands of the Minneapolis Police. We stand in solidarity with those who seek justice for his murder.
As long as people of color live in fear of police violence, environmental justice is not possible. And as long as people of color are made unwelcome or unsafe, we cannot have truly public spaces.
FMR is committed to public spaces that are safe, healing and accessible to all. The Mississippi River belongs to all of us and its gifts should flow equally to everyone in our communities (our equity statement).
Minnesota may be a comfortable home for many, but we know Minnesotans of color, especially Black Minnesotans, do not have the same basic right of safety as their white neighbors. As an environmental organization, it’s important to reach beyond our comfort zone of traditional issues and constituencies. To listen, learn and follow our partners' lead, and stand with our allies in this crisis.
Our thoughts are with George Floyd’s family and the community. And we urge our supporters to demand accountability for his needless death. This Change.org petition is a good place to start, and there are many more ways to help.