Seeing the Big River: Mississippi River Bound #177

Mississippi River Bound #177

Photo: Peter L. Johnson

There are many ways to experience the big river. In this regular feature well "See the Big River" through the eyes of FMRs Artist-in-Residence, Peter L. Johnson. Peter works alongside FMRs staff and volunteers as we strive to protect and improve this cherished community asset.

Artists statement

Before a meeting to hear about the findings of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency about the sediment filling in Lake Pepin (the Mississippi River), I was working at sunrise on the banks of the river. Here, rogue tire tracks right next to the water were creating another path for soil to erode into Lake Pepin. At the meeting we talked about the devastation caused by sediment runoff from the Minnesota River (especially originating in Le Sueur and Blue Earth County) and the spirit of the river that is so important in our lives. Both can be seen in this photo.

The FMR connection

The National Park Service and FMR are co-hosting a public open house on the states sediment clean-up plan for the Mississippi River through the Twin Cities. The south metro Mississippi River (from its confluence with the Minnesota River in St. Paul to Red Wing) currently fails to meet basic health standards. The river is so full of muddy sediment (turbidity) that the rivers plant and animal life suffers. This sediment pollution comes from the runoff of farms, homes, businesses and roadways, as well as erosion from upstream sources.

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has released a clean-up plan to address this problem. The open house is an opportunity for the public to learn more about plan and provide the state with comments and input. It will be held Wednesday, May 4th, 3:30-7:30 p.m. at the Merriam Park Library at 1831 Marshall Avenue, St. Paul. Additional information is available in the open house calendar listing. We hope you will join us!

About the artist

Peter L. Johnson draws upon his varied background as a documentary photographer, solo street performance artist, painter and social activist to create the overall tenet of his artistic practice, Seeing the Big River. His lyrical photographs, collected "specimens" and gasoline-infested Mississippi Mud paintings discover beauty amongst the damage we do to our environment. Learn more at

Upcoming Events

Saturday, February 8, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
FMR's office, near Harriet Island in St. Paul
Throughout February
Hennepin, Ramsey & Washington counties
This school year
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