
Can pockets of habitat tip the scales in degraded wetlands?
Invasive reed canary grass forms dense monocultures in many wetlands across the Upper Midwest, but we're experimenting with ways to give native wetland plants a better foothold. Read more
Vermillion River flows through reed canary grass
How a little leaf beetle keeps Canada goldenrod in check
Sometimes too much of a good thing can be ... too much. That's the case when Canada goldenrod spreads rapidly in our prairie restorations. But over time we've noticed something small making a big impact on plant diversity. Read more
Canada goldenrod on the left, more diverse prairie on the right
A new tool in our toolbox for buckthorn control: Critical period cutting
We're always looking for new and better ways to keep buckthorn from becoming dominant in our woodlands and forests. A new method we're trying in the Gorge shows promise and doesn't require power tools or herbicides. Read more
Volunteers work on buckthorn removal by the river
Got scat? The next phase of the coyote and fox project
How are wild canids adapting to urban areas? FMR supporters have been helping researchers find out. Hear about how to get involved in two new community science initiatives with the Twin Cities Coyote and Fox Project. Read more
Coyote standing atop inactive railroad tracks.
What MN election results mean for FMR’s 2023 legislative priorities
The 2022 elections are (mostly) behind us, meaning we have a clearer picture of how FMR's legislative priorities may fare. Read more
A person seen only from the waist down walks past a sign that says "Vote Here."
Hundreds of birds in the one and only river gorge
For more than three decades, Dave Zumeta has kept meticulous lists of the birds he's seen in the Mississippi River Gorge, a band of habitat FMR works to restore that is critical for migrators on the flyway. Read more
A photo collage showing a saw-whet owl and a trumpeter swan.
Fishing for fishers: FMR supports a new study
Why is the fisher expanding its range to the southern part of the state, including the Twin Cities? Why is its population declining? FMR is partnering on a University of Minnesota study of this elusive member of the weasel family to help find out. Read more
Fisher climbing over log


Upcoming Events

Saturday, January 18, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Rosemount Wildlife Preserve and North 20 Brewing, Rosemount
Saturday, February 8, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
FMR's office, near Harriet Island in St. Paul
Throughout February
Hennepin, Ramsey & Washington counties