A new federal initiative to restore America's River?

FMR is excited to support Congresswoman Betty McCollum's call for a Mississippi River Restoration & Resilience Initiative (MRRRI).
We're anticipating a bill in 2021, as McCollum builds on her call for MRRRI as a provision in her FY 2021 Interior bill (original press release).
The proposal calls for the EPA to develop a strategy with federal, tribal, state and local entities to improve the Mississippi's water quality, resilience to natural disasters, native ecosystems, and more throughout all mainstem states.
McCollum has a long history of speaking up for the health of our waters (see MINNpost profile), and was recently featured in the National Park Service's "Women of the Mississippi" series.
We're still in the early stages of this potential initiative, but FMR is in touch with key officials and other interested organizations.
If you'd like to be notified of potential MRRRI developments please let us know below!
If you're a member of the media and would like to receive upcoming press releases, please contact FMR Communications Director sue rich, srich@fmr.org.