Rain garden talk + tending

Rain gardens are one way for homeowners to beautify their yard while having a direct impact on the river. Rain gardens are designed to catch rainwater runoff, helping prevent erosion and filtering pollutants. They also provide wildlife habitat, attract pollinators and are a way to bring in beautiful plants and wildflowers to your yard.
Join us for a rain garden talk and tending at Falcon Ridge Middle School in Apple Valley. We'll weed the overgrown rain gardens at this site, providing more space for native plants to return and flourish. And as these plants return, they'll provide habitat while their deep roots hold the soil in place, improving rainwater absorption and preventing pollution.
Then, we'll cover the basics of rain gardens in your yards. In our talk, we'll describe what a rain garden is, resources to build one and why they are so important for our river, lakes and wetlands.
All are welcome, however, capacity is limited and registration required. All supplies and training will be provided and volunteers will work closely with FMR staff. This event is part of the Vermillion Stewards program, helping Vermillion River Watershed residents learn about the local watershed while working to protect and enhance its unique natural resources.
Ready to register?
Due to COVID-19, our events are smaller and capacity is limited. Once the event fills, we will start a waitlist. To register, please contact FMR Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator Sophie Downey at volunteer@fmr.org, 651.222.2193 x27, or by selecting Sophie by name under "Category" via the FMR contact form. Please include the name of the event, your name, address and phone number and the number in your party.
Can't make it?
To receive notices of future Vermillion Stewards events, contact FMR Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator Sophie Downey at volunteer@fmr.org. Or, visit our Events Calendar for our most up-to-date listing of upcoming events. To receive a twice-a-month e-newsletter including all FMR activities and news, sign up for Mississippi Messages.
What about COVID-19?
We've modified our events this year to be smaller, and allow for individuals to work while safely six feet apart. All tools will be sanitized between events, and all gloves provided are unused in 2020. Once registered, volunteers will receive a full list of safety precautions and guidelines. You can read more about our policies here.
We're watching the CDC and Minnesota Department of Health guidelines closely. If plans change based on their recommendations, FMR Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator Sophie Downey will email registrants with event updates. (Be sure to add volunteer@fmr.org to your contacts so updates don't land in spam.) And we'll update this page if anything changes.
We will offer gloves and hand sanitizer at the event. Volunteers are required to bring and wear their own masks.
Thank you to our partners and funders: Andeavor Foundation, Coca-Cola, Hastings High School, Hastings United Way, RBC Wealth Management and the Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization.