These are Dakota homelands

Wita Tanka island between two rivers at Bdote

We live among the land of the Dakota people who know in this place their origin at Bdoté, the confluence of rivers. (Photo by David Wheaton for FMR)

“Indigenous people are not relics of the past. We are still here, and we continue to demonstrate our talents and gifts amidst a backdrop of ongoing colonialism and oppression. We are worth celebrating.” —Native Governance Center

We are on Dakota homelands

Wakpá Taŋka or Haha Wakpa is the Dakota name for the Mississippi River that connects all waters and all lives where we live. We live among the homelands of the Dakota people who know in this place their origin at Bdoté, the confluence of rivers; the burial grounds of their ancestors or Makapaha at Indian Mounds Park and elsewhere; and the home of hundreds of generations who stewarded this place for countless generations, and who continue to steward this place in the present. While these have long been Dakota homelands, Minnesota has also been home to, nurtured and been nurtured by many other Native nations, including the Ojibwe and the Ho Chunk.

Indigenous people are still here, even though the State of Minnesota and the United States government committed genocide, forced them into exile and broke treaties. Despite the ongoing deep injustices of violence and stolen land, the first human caretakers of this place continue to be powerful protectors of these lands and waters.

We cannot restore the river without honoring Indigenous ancestors and Indigenous presence here, without learning from their stewardship practices and working together. Indigenous communities, these lands and waters hold memories, stories, names and lessons. We look back at that long history with respect, and we know our work must repair and build relationships, must be the transformative restoration of connections between and among land and people.

Connections to our work

As a non-Native-led organization working on land stolen from the Dakota people, FMR’s mission to protect, enhance and restore the Mississippi River and its watersheds in the Twin Cities region is inherently intertwined with the work of our Indigenous neighbors and peers.

Our organization is striving to better uplift Indigenous knowledge and voices. While we are working to take action today, we are learning from our past mistakes, and we commit to doing this work intentionally over many years. FMR is committed to building our relationships with Indigenous communities and Indigenous-led organizations, establishing partnerships, and involving and incorporating more compensated feedback on restoration and advocacy work for the long term. The following points highlight a selection of projects we're currently working on:

What we're doing


Restoration, stewardship and education

  • Continuing to grow our understanding of restoration approaches, including Traditional Ecological Knowledge, and identifying opportunities to incorporate culturally significant plant species into our restoration sites.
  • Supporting Wakáŋ Tipi Awaŋyaŋkapi in their role as lead stewards and co-managers of Wakáŋ Tipi with the city of St. Paul, after collaborating on a natural resources management plan and restoration of habitat at the site from 2020-2024.
  • Engaging with the National Park Service Cultural Resources Program Manager and Tribal nation partners to ensure that all restoration projects respect the historical and cultural significance of the sites where we work.
  • Integrating Indigenous people's perspectives into our youth programs by engaging speakers from Indigenous-led organizations to teach students about Indigenous culture, history and current initiatives.
  • Exploring personal and cultural connections to land and nature, and using land acknowledgments to introduce both the history of the land we occupy and the current stewardship, sovereignty and self-determination efforts of Indigenous people in Minnesota.

We acknowledge that, while interconnected, there are other inequities we need to address in our community as well. We invite you to learn more about the ways FMR is engaged in equity work, and we welcome all suggestions and feedback on how we function as an ally to Indigenous communities and other communities of color.

We are actively interested in building relationships with new groups who would like to work together, and opening space for anonymous feedback on our efforts. Please fill out this form to get in touch with FMR, and if requested, a member of our staff will respond to your message as soon as possible.

Get involved and learn more

There are eleven federally recognized Tribal nations sharing geography with  Minnesota. Of those, four are Dakota Communities. These are the Pezutazizi Oyate (Upper Sioux Community), Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community, Cansayapi Oyate (Lower Sioux Indian Community), and Tinta Wita (Prairie Island Indian Community). (See a full map of Native nations in Minnesota.)

Of course, not all Indigenous people in Minnesota are affiliated with these tribal governments, and some groups are seeking federal recognition, like the Mendota. The Twin Cities is also home to one of the largest populations of urban Native Americans in the U.S., and the place where the American Indian Movement was founded.

Below is a non-comprehensive list of resources to learn more and Indigenous-led organizations present in the Twin Cities area that you can support. 

Learn about this Dakota place

Bdote Memory Map online experience
Know Where You Are video via Minnesota Humanities Center 
Exploring Dakota Lands and Waters online experience through Big River Journey
Why Treaties Matter online exhibit
Wakaŋ Tipi Awaŋyaŋkapi website's "Where we work" section
• Owámniyomni Okhódayapi's website
Mni Sota: Dakota Sacred Waters video
Waters to the Sea Stories — Dakota Place and Kinship with the Mississippi River video
The Lasting Legacy of Place Names video
Beginning Dakota language, a Dakota Dictionary and in-person learning
Mni Sota Makoce book by Gwen Westerman & Bruce White (for more reading, check out local bookstore Birchbark Books' collections of Dakota/Lakota books and nature/science)

What you can do

• Change the narrative — Reclaiming Native Truth: A Project to Dispel America’s Myths and Misconceptions
• Understand sovereignty — Videos from the Native Governance Center
• Work beyond land acknowledgments — Guide from the Native Governance Center
• Learn more about land back/reparations — Land Reparations & Indigenous Solidarity Toolkit from Resource Generation
• Learn more about honor taxes — Native Governance Center's overview of Mni Sota Makoce Honor Tax
• Join an in-person experience like Learning from Place: Bdote through the Minnesota Humanities Center
• Support Native-led organizations

Local organizations, cultural centers and resources

American Indian Family Center
Dakota Wicohan
Dream of Wild Health
Healing Place Collaborative
Honor the Earth
Indigenous Peoples Task Force
Indigenous Roots
Interfaith Action Department of Indian Work 
• Makoce Ikikcupi (Land Recovery)
Minneapolis American Indian Center
Minnesota Indian Women’s Resource Center
Minnesota Indigenous Business Alliance and business directory
Native American Community Development Institute
Native Governance Center
Native Youth Arts Council via Little Earth Residents Association
Owámniyomni Okhódayapi 
Oyate Hotanin: Voice of the People
Waadookawaad Amikwag
Wakaŋ Tipi Awaŋyaŋkapi
• and many more

Upcoming Events

Saturday, April 19, 2025 - 9:30am to 12:00pm
West River Parkway and 36th Street/44th Street, Minneapolis
Saturday, April 19, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:30pm
MWMO, Northeast Minneapolis riverfront
Thursday, May 8, 2025 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Hampton Woods Wildlife Management Area