Stewardship groups
If you would like to participate in restoration and stewardship activities in a particular area along the river, consider joining one of FMR’s geographically-focused or place-based Stewardship Groups. To be added to the email list for any of the stewardship programs below, contact Volunteer Coordinator Carrie Pomeroy at
Geographically focused stewardship groups:
- Above the Falls in North and Northeast Minneapolis
- The Mississippi River Gorge, spanning from roughly downtown Minneapolis downriver to Crosby Park in St. Paul
- The Eastside of St. Paul, including natural areas like Indian Mounds Park and Wakáŋ Tipi/Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary
- The Vermillion River, a cold prairie river that flows through the heart of Dakota County before joining the Mississippi in Hastings, and its watershed
- Within the Rice Creek Watershed District volunteers help monitor water quality through our Stream Health Evaluation Program
FMR also offers BIPOC River Stewards stewardship and community experiences led by BIPOC, for BIPOC that aim to be welcoming, affirming and relevant for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. If you identify as BIPOC, you can sign up to receive BIPOC River Stewards event invitations.