Land Use & Planning

Land Use & Planning
Star Tribune spotlights need for action against invasive carp

Invasive carp present a growing threat to Minnesota waterways. A recent forum considered several strategies to stop their spread. We'll need to use all of them to protect the Mississippi River.  >>

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Climate change, climate justice and FMR's Land Use & Planning program

Climate change impacts make park access and greenspace even more important for public health and equity, and guidelines for riverfront development need to respond to the shifting climate in order to protect our river. Here's how our Land Use & Planning program's work intersects with climate change and climate justice.  >>

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Annual park rankings highlight racial and economic disparities

St. Paul and Minneapolis are known to have some of the country's best urban park systems. But how well do they deliver equitable park access to all residents?  >>

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Flood data needed at Ford Area C

Area C, Ford Motor Company's hazardous waste dump on the Mississippi River floodplain in St. Paul, hasn't been in the news lately. The site is being better monitored than in the past, but we're waiting for flood data to give us a fuller picture about what risks the pile may pose.  >>

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Invasive carp continue to pose threat

A recent invasive carp round-up on the Mississippi in southern Minnesota is a reminder that these fish pose an ongoing threat to Minnesota's waterways.  >>

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Ramsey County considers three properties for redevelopment, conservation

The county is making plans for three properties on the east side of St. Paul: The site of a former juvenile correctional facility on undeveloped bluffland holding Dakota history; a golf course that's home to an endangered bumblebee; and a grassland where prairie birds flock. We've encouraged officials to inventory ecological resources and work with those studying the cultural resources before proceeding with planning.  >>

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New river access in Cottage Grove?

The former Mississippi Dunes golf course in Cottage Grove has amazing potential to be a new park, but its owners want to develop it into housing. You can weigh in to protect habitat and public river access at this special site.  >>

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Upcoming Events

Tuesday, July 30, 2024 - 5:30pm to 8:00pm
Rotary Pavilion at Levee Park, Hastings
Saturday, August 3, 2024 - 9:00am to 2:00pm
Mississippi River Gorge, Minneapolis
New date: Saturday, August 10, 2024 at 5 p.m.
Hidden Falls Regional Park, St. Paul