Legislative Updates

FMR is proud to be a leading voice in protecting the Mississippi River and all the people and wildlife who depend on it. 

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Legislative Updates
Gov. Dayton signs off on Enviro Trust Fund raid!

In a major defeat for Minnesota's environment, Gov. Dayton has signed off on the legislature's $98 million of the state’s Environment & Natural Resources Trust Fund to pay for debt on state bonds.

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How the local pre-emption bills for plastics fared this session

One bill stalled, the other passed in the tax bill that was vetoed by Gov. Dayton.

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Gov. Dayton vetoes wild rice bill

FMR, along with 26 other conservation, tribal and outdoor recreation organizations, recently wrote a letter to Gov. Dayton asking him to veto this controversial bill. On Thursday, May 30th, Gov. Dayton vetoed the wild rice bill! >>

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#Omnibus Prime vetoed: Massive supplemental budget & policy bill goes down

Gov. Mark Dayton has vetoed the Legislature’s massive multi-subject budget and policy bill due, in part, to environmental concerns. >>


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How groundwater and drinking water fared this session

Protecting drinking water and groundwater must be a top priority for Minnesota, and citizens expect this of their state government. Sadly, the legislative session has come and gone with no progress to show for it, paired with a threat to delay the state’s Groundwater Protection Rule.

This session, five major bills were introduced that (for better or worse) addressed groundwater and drinking water-related topics. >>

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Legislators hold drinking water protections hostage

In a surprising move, GOP chairs of the Minnesota House and Senate made headlines by threatening to delay proposed drinking water protections if Gov. Mark Dayton fails to sign an unrelated ag policy bill.

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Wednesday, December 11, 2024 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Friends of the Mississippi River office in St. Paul
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