
Changing climate, changing river
How will climate change affect our river, and what can we do about it? Read more
Flooded river at Harriet Island
Welcome to two new Stewardship & Education staff
A new program director and our first-ever Climate Impact Corps member are joining the team this fall. We're also bidding a fond farewell to Ivy Song, our event assistant. Read more
Jacob and Kassidy
Reconnecting with the river: FMR's 2024 summer youth program
On weekly paddles and outings, our Environmental Stewardship Institute fellows got to know more about metro waters and the communities working to steward them. Check out photos, reflections and capstone projects from this year's cohort. Read more
ESI fellows smile in canoes
National Public Lands Day event: Collect native prairie seed at Vermillion River Linear Park
Celebrate National Public Lands Day and collect native prairie seed at Vermillion River Linear Park! Read more
Volunteers collect native prairie seed at Vermillion River Linear Park
'This can be home': Carrie's river story
Carrie Pomeroy volunteered with her children at FMR events more than a decade before becoming our volunteer program manager. Here's how the Mississippi River Gorge convinced her the Twin Cities could be home. Read more
Carrie by the river on the sand flats
Plants, pollinators and pints: Native plant gardening with nature educator Angie Hong
Join FMR at Dual Citizen Brewing to learn about gardening with native plants for better water quality and pollinator habitat! Read more
Angie Hong portrait plus a bee on bee balm
How (and when) to use the critical period cutting method to remove invasive buckthorn
Step-by-step instructions for removing large buckthorn using this new, herbicide-free method. Read more
Person lops branches off of buckthorn stump


Upcoming Events

Three options: August 15, September 17, October 5, 2024
Hidden Falls Regional Park, St. Paul
Thursday, September 26, 2024 - 6:00pm
Nicollet Island Pavilion, Minneapolis
Friday, September 27, 2024 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Vermillion River Linear Park, Hastings