Write to the River special edition - Augsburg River Semester

Day 1: departure on the morning of August 24, 2018 from B'dote at the confluence of the Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers. Photo credit: Augsburg University/Courtney Perry.

Congratulations on your return home from River Semester!

Friends of the Mississippi River runs Write to the River, a creative writing project to inspire artistic engagement with our river environment. We're planning a special edition to feature your journey.

An invitation to submit your writing

We'd like to invite you to share an original poem or short prose (250-300 words) about an experience or reflection from your semester along the Mississippi River. No previous creative writing experience is necessary and all styles are welcome — short prose works, free verse, formal verse, your own verse! You may already know what you'd like to write about, but in case you need some ideas to get started, here are a few:

  • Is there a particular experience or event that stands out amongst the rest? Why?
  • Think about departing on day 1 and returning on the last day. Any reflections on change, personal or career/educational?
  • How has your experience shaped your relationship to the Mississippi River, broadly or specifically in the Twin Cities?
  • Tell us about the river— the sounds, scents, colors, people, wildlife and changing landscapes you experienced.

How to participate

Email your piece to writetotheriver@fmr.org by Monday, January 21, 2019. Please include your name and address (or at least city and ZIP). Submit your piece in whatever fashion works for you, in the body of the email or attached as a .pdf, .doc or .docx. Remember, this is a friendly call for submissions. There is no grading, only appreciation.

Happy writing to the river! We look forward to hearing from you.

You can learn a little more about Friends of the Mississippi River here and see past Write to the River editions here.

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Our River Campaign:
It all starts here

At the heart of this new campaign is the vision of a healthy Mississippi River.