Ford Area C riverfront dumpsite in St. Paul

Ford Area C riverfront dumpsite in St. Paul
Ford Area C: The overlooked toxic waste dump along the river
Did you know that Ford Motor Company owns a hazardous waste dump right on the river's edge in the middle of St. Paul? FMR has been a longtime advocate for cleaning up this site. Join us to take action. Read more
A brief history of the Ford Area C dumpsite
While many articles look back at the life of Twin Cities Ford Assembly Plant, not many focus on Area C. In fact, most stories about the Ford plant don't even mention it. Here's a basic timeline of this floodplain dumpsite to lend historical context. Read more
Ford site on the river
What our spring flood means for Ford Area C
We've been waiting for a river flood to gather more information about the hazards posted by Ford Motor Company's floodplain dumpsite in St. Paul, known as Area C. This year, we'll have new data (and a special tour for our River Guardians). Read more
High water at Ford dam
Flood data needed at Ford Area C

Area C, Ford Motor Company's hazardous waste dump on the Mississippi River floodplain in St. Paul, hasn't been in the news lately. The site is being better monitored than in the past, but we're waiting for flood data to give us a fuller picture about what risks the pile may pose.  >>

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Star Tribune highlights expanded monitoring at Ford Area C

Thanks to advocacy by FMR and its partners, new monitoring wells have been installed at Ford Area C. These wells will provide a better understanding of any hazards posed by this dumpsite on the floodplain.  >>

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What's been happening at Area C?

The official process for cleaning up a hazardous waste site like Ford Area C in St. Paul takes time, and it can be tough to keep up with the developments. Here’s a summary of what you (FMR supporters) have helped accomplish towards a better future at this floodplain waste dump so far, and what's still to come.  >>

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Area C solar project could jeopardize dumpsite cleanup

A planned solar array on top of the Ford Area C dumpsite sounds appealing, but poor timing for the solar project could jeopardize cleanup of the toxic site. Our recent letter in the Highland Villager explains why we're concerned.  >>

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Tuesday, July 30, 2024 - 5:30pm to 8:00pm
Rotary Pavilion at Levee Park, Hastings
Saturday, August 3, 2024 - 9:00am to 2:00pm
Mississippi River Gorge, Minneapolis
New date: Saturday, August 10, 2024 at 5 p.m.
Hidden Falls Regional Park, St. Paul