Ford Area C riverfront dumpsite in St. Paul

Ford Area C riverfront dumpsite in St. Paul
Solar on the Area C dumpsite? Sounds great ... at first

The redevelopment plan for the Ford site on St. Paul's river bluff calls for renewable energy. That sounds great, but a small part of the plan includes building a solar array on top of the Area C hazardous waste dump on the river floodplain. With the dump undergoing further study about risks and remediation, could adding infrastructure further complicate potential cleanup? >>

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Word about riverfront dumpsite, Area C, starting to spread

From local news articles to word of mouth, Ford Motor Company's toxic waste dump on the St. Paul river floodplain, known as Area C, is gaining more attention. As community awareness grows, so does pressure on Ford and state agencies to study the dumpsite more closely to consider cleanup options. >>

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Ford Area C updates email list
Sign up to be an FMR River Guardian and to receive updates on the Ford Area C dumpsite along the Mississippi River in St. Paul. Read more
Shrubs and trees, green with summer growth, cover a small walking area that is the Ford Area C dumpsite. High above, the smokestack from the old Ford plant peeks through a break in the canopy.
St. Paul approves Ford site plans without additional parkland

This September, the St. Paul City Council approved the zoning plan for the Ford site, giving the go-ahead to redevelop the 135-acre river-bluff site without requiring additional parkland. But our efforts to expand nearby blufftop parks and address the toxic dump in the floodplain below aren't over yet. >> 

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Ford site
Ford site hearing Sept. 20 & 27 — FMR says 'yes' to density AND more parks!

Opportunities to create bluff-top parkland in the heart of a growing city only come along every two or three generations. As draft plans for the Ford site redevelopment along the Mississippi River head to the St. Paul city council, we urge city leaders to seize this opportunity for the benefit of this generation and all those to come. >>

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Popular stormwater feature
What river lovers need to know about plans for the new Ford site

Recently, the city of St. Paul unveiled draft plans to redevelop the Ford Plant site along the Mississippi River. Pictured above in its truck-making days, the 135-acre campus is now clear of structures with plans for a new 21st-century riverfront community in the works. >>

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St. Paul Ford site
Ford’s riverside toxic dump under investigation

From 1945 until 1966, the Ford Motor Company dumped unknown quantities of industrial waste, including solvents and paint sludge, on the floodplain of the Mississippi River below the bluff adjacent to its St. Paul assembly plant. The dump, known as “Area C”, adjoins the popular Hidden Falls Park and the Mississippi River, a location where floodwaters regularly inundate the dump. >>

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Tuesday, July 30, 2024 - 5:30pm to 8:00pm
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Hidden Falls Regional Park, St. Paul