Updates and Articles

Star Tribune highlights expanded monitoring at Ford Area C

Thanks to advocacy by FMR and its partners, new monitoring wells have been installed at Ford Area C. These wells will provide a better understanding of any hazards posed by this dumpsite on the floodplain.  >>

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MPCA report: The Upper Mississippi's upstream crud

A new report from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency finds that the Upper Mississippi River from Grand Rapids to Brainerd is impaired with too much sediment. What can we do about it?  >>

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Miss Shannan to bring her wit and whimsy to FMR's fall storytelling gala

We're thrilled to partner with Miss Shannan Paul to emcee An Evening Celebrating the Mississippi River: Our Storied River on October 1. Her infectious personality and knack for comedic social commentary are sure to keep you — our virtual guests — entertained. You won't want to miss it!  >>

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Miss Shannan Paul
State Supreme Court rules on White Bear Lake water levels

The Minnesota Supreme Court made headlines as it acted to protect not only the metro's second-largest lake but Minnesotans' ability to sue a state agency based on its cumulative environmental impact. >>


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Pinelands-to-potatoes fiasco heads to court

A controversial attempt by of a Fargo-based agribusiness giant to skirt Minnesota‘s environmental laws is going to court – and the stakes are huge. >>

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Minnesota to update invasive carp action plan

A record catch of invasive carp in the Mississippi River in southern Minnesota has raised concerns about the species' spread upriver. How is Minnesota responding?  >>

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Partnering for habitat and culture at Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary
We're collaborating to restore Wakan Tipi/Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary. Our focus is on culturally important plant species and restoration techniques that better represent and honor the site's history and its ongoing importance to Dakota people. Read more
Coneflowers and prairie
Dead zone 2020: The good, the bad and the algae

A smaller-than-average Gulf of Mexico dead zone is cause for celebration — isn't it?  >>

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Youth guest column: Why environmental legislation is important and what you should know

Fiona, a summer Youth Empowerment Program participant, wants you to get involved in legislative action for clean water and the environment. Here's her account of the impact of recent environmental legislation, the possibility for critical change this year and in the future, and how you can influence policy.  >>

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What's been happening at Area C?

The official process for cleaning up a hazardous waste site like Ford Area C in St. Paul takes time, and it can be tough to keep up with the developments. Here’s a summary of what you (FMR supporters) have helped accomplish towards a better future at this floodplain waste dump so far, and what's still to come.  >>

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Upcoming Events

Tuesday, July 30, 2024 - 5:30pm to 8:00pm
Rotary Pavilion at Levee Park, Hastings
Saturday, August 3, 2024 - 9:00am to 2:00pm
Mississippi River Gorge, Minneapolis
New date: Saturday, August 10, 2024 at 5 p.m.
Hidden Falls Regional Park, St. Paul