Updates and Articles

FMR joins 186 groups supporting revised farm bill

FMR was one of 186 national, state and local organizations to thank Congress for strong conservation provisions in the 2018 Farm Bill and urge its timely passage. >>

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Special Places: Staff favorites

There are too many special river places to list — far more than 25 — so we'll close out our 25th-anniversary series with a few of our staff's favorite spots: the places we visit for solitude or critter watching or fishing, places that connect us deeply to the river and inspire us to do this work.  >>

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Grey Cloud Island
Our top 10 river news stories from 2018

From possible dam removal to ag pollution to poetry projects and our silver anniversary, 2018 was a big year for the river (and FMR) in the news. >>

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FMR logo with headlines from 2018.
Our 2019 Legislative Priority: The Minnesota Water Bill

This session, FMR and our coalition partners are teaming up to advance a new way forward for clean water in Minnesota: The Minnesota Water Bill.  >>

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Looking ahead to the 2019 legislature

Minnesota’s 2019 legislative session is about to begin! A new governor and House await, and FMR and our partners have some exciting new priorities. Here's a brief overview of what FMR and our allies will advocate for, who we'll work with, and how you can help.  >>

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Bird surveys reveal steady increases at FMR prairie restorations

Our land conservation team not only restores habitat, but monitors that habitat for wildlife data. After years of conducting breeding bird surveys at our prairie restoration sites, we can now see clear trends in increased number of species, especially species of greatest conservation need.  >>

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Henslow's Sparrow
Microplastics & table salt: worse than we thought

New research found microplastics in 90% of salt samples from 21 countries in Europe, North and South America, Africa, and Asia. >>

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'Local Cities Push to Keep Plastic Out of Mississippi River'

Brooklyn Center Mayor-Elect Mike Elliott is eager to join other mayors along the Mississippi River in fighting to reduce plastic pollution. The Mississippi River Cities and Towns Initiative wants to cut the number of plastic in the river by half by the year 2020. A goal that FMR applauds.

Learn more from local news channel CCX, which includes the innovative mayor-elect and FMR Water Program director Trevor Russell. >>

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FMR River Guardians are now 2,000 strong!

Through our River Guardians program, over 2,000 people have spoken with one voice to protect, enhance and restore the Mississippi River and its watershed.  >>

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River Guardians at the 2018 Legislative Session Wrap-up Happy Hour.
There's still time to weigh in on local river planning

Several Twin Cities communities have completed their draft plans for land use and development along their local riverfront, but a number are still seeking public comments in the coming months. Find out where your your community stands.  >>

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View of the High Bridge from Cherokee Park in St. Paul


Upcoming Events

Tuesday, July 30, 2024 - 5:30pm to 8:00pm
Rotary Pavilion at Levee Park, Hastings
Saturday, August 3, 2024 - 9:00am to 2:00pm
Mississippi River Gorge, Minneapolis
New date: Saturday, August 10, 2024 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm
Hidden Falls Regional Park, St. Paul