Updates and Articles

Action Alert: Tell Minnesota to invest in clean water [CLOSED]

FMR is championing a pair of innovative bills that will protect our water, diversify our croplands, and strengthen rural communities. Please join us in asking legislators to support full funding for Forever Green and the Working Lands Drinking Water Protection Program. >>

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Legislation could protect public wells with clean-water crops

Legislation introduced this month would fund the Working Lands Drinking Water Program. The program will help farmers plant and sell alternative crops that protect drinking water while maintaining farm profitability. As a pilot initiative, it's limited to the state's most vulnerable wellhead areas — places where conservation crops can protect public health.  >>

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Think spring: Schedule your service and educational programs now

Looking forward to warmer weather? We are too! FMR is starting to book spring programs for youth and group outings. If you are interested in a stenciling event, trash cleanup or indoor educational opportunity with FMR staff, we'd love to hear from you soon.  >>

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Volunteers help with prairie restoration
How water and agriculture fared in the governor’s budget

On Tuesday, Gov. Walz announced his state budget proposal. We took a look at how our priorities for the river and clean water fared. Our take-away so far? We have some work to do. New investments in environment and agriculture were minor and failed to include full funding for the few initiatives that are essential to achieving Minnesota's clean water goals.  >>

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FMR opposes Upper Harbor Terminal plan, calls for more community engagement

The Minneapolis Upper Harbor Terminal site is key to improving the North Minneapolis riverfront. Done correctly, the redevelopment of this city-owned site can better connect residents with the river and be a model of sustainability and community wealth-building. So why would the city let private companies take the lead and reap the majority of benefits?   >>

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Calling all cameras: Citizen science for the Twin Cities Coyote and Fox Research Project

Coyotes and foxes are mostly secretive animals, but sightings of these species are becoming more and more common throughout the Twin Cities Metro Area. Now, a group of researchers and partner organizations (including FMR) are setting out to better understand how these critters use the urban environment, and maybe just dispel some myths along the way. You can help!  >>

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Staff transitions: Welcomes and farewells

We can now proudly introduce our new finance director, Sheila Gothmann, and congratulate Sophie Downey, promoted program assistant. We also pay tribute to two staff that have moved on — Bruce Freidson, our intrepid finance director who has now retired, and Alicia Uzarek, former policy advocate, who continues important planning work in Minneapolis.  >>

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Bruce, Sheila, Alicia and Sophie (FMR staff)
House and senate introduce full funding for Forever Green

To get to our clean water goals in Minnesota, we need to plant more perennial and cover crops. But these crops need to be profitable before farm operations can effectively make the change. To address this challenge, two bills were introduced in mid-February in the house and senate that will fully fund the University of Minnesota’s Forever Green Initiative.  >>

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Join us for MN Water Action Day • April 10, 2019

Join us for Water Action Day 2019, a day of public action and advocacy to let lawmakers know we care about our water! #ProtectOurWater >>

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FMR’s Molly Pederson testifies for Environmental Trust Fund fix

In late January, a key House committee approved legislation to fix last year’s controversial raid on Minnesota’s Environment & Natural Resources Trust Fund. FMR lobbyist Molly Pederson testified in support of the bill.  >>

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Upcoming Events

Tuesday, July 30, 2024 - 5:30pm to 8:00pm
Rotary Pavilion at Levee Park, Hastings
Saturday, August 3, 2024 - 9:00am to 2:00pm
Mississippi River Gorge, Minneapolis
New date: Saturday, August 10, 2024 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm
Hidden Falls Regional Park, St. Paul