Updates and Articles

Chloride reduction bill: Alive and kicking

As we noted in the State of the River Report, chloride or salt pollution is a growing problem for Minnesota's waters. This session, FMR and our allies have been advancing a bill in the Minnesota Legislature to reduce it.

We're happy to report that the bill has garnered bipartisan support. However, it will most likely be wrapped into the House and Senate omnibus bills, making its fate murky at best. >>

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House votes 69-56 to block state’s Groundwater Protection Rule

On Monday, April 26, the Minnesota House of Representatives voted 69-56 to pass a bill to block the state’s Groundwater Protection Rule from going into effect without legislative approval.

Gov. Mark Dayton has promised a veto, but the blocking language exists in several other bills, meaning it may yet advance to the governor's desk as part of other legislation. >>

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Our letter to the MN House on the Groundwater Protection Rule

FMR and our allies just sent this letter to the Minnesota House opposing proposed legislation to block our state’s Groundwater Protection Rule. >>

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FMR's Whitney Clark on WCCO re: potential dam removal

Two Minnesota rivers — including our local Mississippi River gorge between Minneapolis and St. Paul — made America's River's 'Most Endangered' list.

WCCO's Jennifer Mayerle reports:

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'On the river road again' tees benefit FMR

Celebrate the Twin Cities' own Mississippi River Road for its scenic pathways, history, heritage, and a place to recreate and relax. Track Club Co has designed a commemorative Mississippi River Road T-shirt. And now through Earth Day, $5 from the sale of each tee will be donated to FMR in support of our restoration and conservation efforts. >>

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Top 10 bad water bills at the legislative halfway point

The legislature is rolling up its sleeves and rolling back bedrock protections for water quality. Here's our top-10 list of bad water bills (so far) this session. >>

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What's your city planning for its riverfront? Find out and weigh in.

Cities up and down the metro Mississippi are busy finalizing their local river corridor plans, but there's still time to weigh in. Some deadlines to submit comments are fast approaching, including July 17 for Cottage Grove and July 22 for Minneapolis. Learn where your city's at in its process and how you can have your say in the shape of your future local riverfront. >>

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View from River Oaks in Cottage Grove
Is it time to remove dams from the Mississippi river gorge?

Dam removal discussions are ramping up in the Twin Cities, and for good reason. Just as the Army Corps of Engineers embarks on a study to determine future ownership and operation of the locks and dams in Minneapolis and St. Paul, our local Mississippi river gorge was named to the 2018 list of American Rivers "10 Most Endangered Rivers."

Learn more, including FMR's position and recent media coverage. >>

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Ford Dam below the Ford Bridge in St. Paul
Save River Heights Park... again.

Just eight months ago, FMR teamed up with neighbors to help save River Heights Park in Inver Grove Heights.

Now the park is on the chopping block once again. And the neighbors and FMR are back in action. >>

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A picture of River Heights Park
Where we work: Map of FMR conservation sites

Although our policy and advocacy work tends to make the most headlines, many FMR supporters, members and volunteers highly value the natural areas we protect, restore and enhance throughout the metro area.  But even the longest-standing FMR members and volunteers wonder where, exactly, we work.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way for folks to see all of FMR’s 37 active restoration sites in one place? Perhaps some kind of…map? >>

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Upcoming Events

New date: February 15, 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
FMR's office, near Harriet Island in St. Paul
Throughout February
Hennepin, Ramsey & Washington counties
Saturday, March 8, 2025 - 10:00am to 12:30pm
MWMO, Northeast Minneapolis riverfront