Action Alert - Fully fund Forever Green [CLOSED]

For the first time in Minnesota state legislative history, full funding for the Forever Green Initiative - $10 million for the biennium - has been included in an omnibus finance bill.

But while this full funding was included in the House Omnibus Legacy Finance Bill, the Senate's version funds Forever Green at just $2.5 million, or 25% of what the program needs. With just a few weeks left in the legislative session, we need your help.

Please take action today to ask your legislators and Governor Walz to support full funding for Forever Green.

When fully funded, the Forever Green Initiative will make Minnesota a leader in developing more sustainable, profitable and diverse cropping systems that improve water quality, soil health and habitat, while boosting rural economic development and farm profitability.

The Forever Green Initiative at the University of Minnesota is a critical piece of our clean water future.

Please tell your legislators that the time is NOW to fully fund Forever Green!


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