Action Alert: Support clean-water crops (SF 3711 and 3271) [CLOSED]

FMR's top two priorities for the 2022 legislative session are being considered in the Senate Agriculture and Rural Development Finance & Policy Committee on March 9.

If your senator sits on this committee, please take a moment to send a quick message in support of these bills.

SF 3711 (Forever Green) and SF 3271 (CLC Value Chain Development Grants) are bipartisan bills that make important investments in Minnesota agriculture. Each will benefit farmers, rural economic development, environment and quality of life — the kind of win-win we can all support.

• Forever Green Research & Development (SF 3711): This bill provides much-needed funding for the University of Minnesota's Forever Green crop research and development initiative. This nation-leading research helps bring next-generation cropping systems like Kernza and camelina from the lab to the field. These crops improve water quality, soil health, habitat and climate resilience, all while enhancing farm prosperity and rural economic vitality.

When fully funded, the Forever Green Initiative will make Minnesota a leader in developing more sustainable, profitable and diverse cropping systems that improve water quality, soil health and habitat, while boosting rural economic development and farm profitability.

• Continuous Living Cover business support (SF 3271): This bill will provide state support to accelerate the development of Continuous Living Cover (CLC) crop enterprises by strategically investing in companies poised for commercial breakthrough. This funding will deliver significant public benefits to Minnesotans and further solidify Minnesota as a national and international leader in 21st-century agricultural innovation.

Public investment now will spur further innovation and private investment, creating new economic and community development opportunities for our state while also protecting soil, water, biodiversity and climate.

Please take a moment to send a message to your state senator to urge them to support Forever Green and CLC Value Chain Development when they come before the Senate Agriculture and Rural Development Finance & Policy Committee on March 9.

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