How can new, renewable jet fuel — yes, jet fuel — help clean up the river and improve water quality throughout Minnesota? Watch our recorded webinar to find out. Read more
We've been awaiting a cleanup plan for the Ford Area C hazardous dumpsite in St. Paul. Now, the plan is under development. The community will have a chance to shape what happens in the months ahead. Join us for a site tour to learn more. Read more
River Guardians set records and advanced every single legislative priority in 2023. Thank you for your advocacy! Here's what we're looking forward to in 2024. Read more
The Minnesota DNR just announced its largest-ever invasive carp catch in Minnesota waters: a shocking 323 fish. Join us soon for community meetings in St. Paul, Red Wing, Winona and online to learn and discuss what our state should do next. Read more
St. Paul's city council will probably vote on a new critical area ordinance this fall or winter. Here are three provisions we'll be looking for in their next draft. Read more