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Forests, prairies and savannas all work best when they're shared. But invasive species spread rapidly and make it hard for other plants to grow — plants that help hold soil in place, plants where birds nest, plants that make up vibrant, interconnected habitat.
Overgrowth of invasive species can cause habitat breakdown, erosion of soil into waterways, the spread of plant diseases and more. That's why we focus so much on removing invasive species and replacing them with diverse plants at our restoration sites. Join us!
Not all thistles are invasive in Minnesota. Here's how you can tell if you're looking at one of our five native thistle species and why you should leave those species in the ground. >>
Not all thistles are invasive in Minnesota. Here's how you can tell if you're looking at one of our few native thistle species. Read moreupdate
Entertaining and adorable as they are, goats have found a serious and fitting profession in the ecological management world: consuming as much buckthorn and other invasive woody plants as possible. See how successful our crew was at Hampton Woods and learn more about this increasingly popular restoration method. >>
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