Land Use & Planning

Land Use & Planning
Good news, bad news in the fight to stop invasive carp (2019)

A new deterrent system installed 50 miles north of our border with Iowa is a promising effort to stop invasive carp in Minnesota. But a dozen invasive carp were found in the Mississippi and St. Croix rivers this year, further evidence that these destructive fish are growing in numbers in our state. Can we stop them before it's too late?  >>

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'Once key to industry and transportation, Mississippi River poised for makeover in Minneapolis'

The riverfront north of St. Anthony Falls in Minneapolis is changing rapidly. In this Star Tribune feature, Janet Moore quickly covers this transformation through a transportation lens. It’s an excellent overview, and curious readers can learn more about this story here.  >>

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Locks and dam meetings draw a crowd

The Army Corps of Engineers is currently considering options to repurpose or maintain the Upper St. Anthony lock. A second part of this same study, beginning next year, will look at removing Lower St. Anthony Falls and the Ford dam. Over 100 people went to the first public input meetings about this study, including us. Missed them? Learn what we learned and weigh in with written comments by October 20.  >>  

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What's it like to walk to the river in North Minneapolis?

What's it like to walk to the river in Minneapolis? "Inspiring," "harsh" and "beautiful" were all words that neighbors used as we laced up our walking shoes and headed to the river on a warm fall evening. Check out the photos and step-by-step videos to experience what it's like to walk from the North Minneapolis residential area over Dowling and the interstate to Upper Harbor Terminal and the river! >>

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Ford Area C updates email list
Sign up to be an FMR River Guardian and to receive updates on the Ford Area C dumpsite along the Mississippi River in St. Paul. Read more
Shrubs and trees, green with summer growth, cover a small walking area that is the Ford Area C dumpsite. High above, the smokestack from the old Ford plant peeks through a break in the canopy.
Can we just talk about this UHT concert stadium?

Minneapolis city leaders are proceeding as if the concert stadium at Upper Harbor Terminal is a done deal, but it's not. Rather than debating venue names, we need to discuss public subsidies, living-wage jobs, and how the community will benefit from this or any development at this important mile-long riverfront site. >>

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Residents say affordable housing critical at Upper Harbor Terminal

Community members are clear that truly affordable housing should be a key part of the Upper Harbor Terminal redevelopment. At one point an attendee asked, "How many of you are here because you or someone you care about is affected by the high cost of housing?" Nearly every hand in the room went up. We should expand the timeline to figure out this vital aspect of this riverfront redevelopment.  >>

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Upcoming Events

Tuesday, July 30, 2024 - 5:30pm to 8:00pm
Rotary Pavilion at Levee Park, Hastings
Saturday, August 3, 2024 - 9:00am to 2:00pm
Mississippi River Gorge, Minneapolis
New date: Saturday, August 10, 2024 at 5 p.m.
Hidden Falls Regional Park, St. Paul