Land Use & Planning

Land Use & Planning
Riverfront regional park plan roundup

FMR has been participating in the master planning processes for Above the Falls, Mississippi Gorge and Hidden Falls Crosby Farm regional parks in Minneapolis and St. Paul. Here's a roundup of the draft plans, FMR's comments on these plans and opportunities for future public participation. >>

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Upper Harbor Terminal - Where do we go from here?

Despite public opposition, the Minneapolis City Council approved the concept plan for the Upper Harbor Terminal (UHT) site in North Minneapolis. FMR continues to have many concerns and will stay engaged as planning progresses.  >>

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FMR opposes Upper Harbor Terminal plan, calls for more community engagement

The Minneapolis Upper Harbor Terminal site is key to improving the North Minneapolis riverfront. Done correctly, the redevelopment of this city-owned site can better connect residents with the river and be a model of sustainability and community wealth-building. So why would the city let private companies take the lead and reap the majority of benefits?   >>

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Action Alert: Deny the Upper Harbor Terminal Concept Plan [CLOSED]

The City of Minneapolis is moving quickly to advance the proposed Upper Harbor Terminal Concept Plan along 1 mile of riverfront in Northside Minneapolis. The plan allows private interests to take the lead and reap the majority of benefits from this publicly-owned property.

Minneapolis residents, join us in telling your city council representative and Mayor Frey that we can do better before the council's committee meeting on February 19. >>

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Help shape beloved riverfront parks: Mississippi Gorge and Hidden Falls, Crosby Farm

Master plans for three treasured regional parks in the heart of the urban Twin Cities are getting updated this year — the Mississippi Gorge Regional Park in Minneapolis, Hidden Falls Regional Park and Crosby Farm Regional Park in St. Paul. In late January and early February, community members will have an opportunity to see the plans and to weigh in.  >>

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Lake Street Bridge from the Mississippi Gorge
FMR River Guardians are now 2,000 strong!

Through our River Guardians program, over 2,000 people have spoken with one voice to protect, enhance and restore the Mississippi River and its watershed.  >>

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River Guardians at the 2018 Legislative Session Wrap-up Happy Hour.
There's still time to weigh in on local river planning

Several Twin Cities communities have completed their draft plans for land use and development along their local riverfront, but a number are still seeking public comments in the coming months. Find out where your your community stands.  >>

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View of the High Bridge from Cherokee Park in St. Paul


Upcoming Events

Tuesday, July 30, 2024 - 5:30pm to 8:00pm
Rotary Pavilion at Levee Park, Hastings
Saturday, August 3, 2024 - 9:00am to 2:00pm
Mississippi River Gorge, Minneapolis
New date: Saturday, August 10, 2024 at 5 p.m.
Hidden Falls Regional Park, St. Paul