Legislative Updates

FMR is proud to be a leading voice in protecting the Mississippi River and all the people and wildlife who depend on it. 

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Legislative Updates
Action Alert: Tell legislators to support FMR's priorities for the river
The time is now. Tell lawmakers to take action for the river by supporting FMR's priorities this legislative session. Read more
The Capitol building in St. Paul, set against a cloudy sky. Text says "#MNLEG 2023"
Where FMR's 2023 priorities stand at the Legislature
An overview of the progress we've made — and what still needs to happen — as we enter the final weeks of the session. Read more
Looking up at the iconic dome of the Capitol building in St. Paul, against a clear blue sky as backdrop. Text over the image says "FMR's priorities #MNLEG"
Press statement: It’s time for state action on invasive carp
This morning, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources announced the capture of 30 silver carp in the Mississippi near Winona. This afternoon, FMR and our allies are testifying at the Senate, calling for a carp barrier. Read more
How River Guardians helped us reach a clean-water crops milestone
The official launch of this market development grant program is the culmination of a yearlong effort. Read more
Two packets of food snacks made with clean-water crops sit on a table in the foreground. In the blurred background, you can make out warehouse shelves and individuals talking.
Sign the petition: It's time for MN to salt smart for the river
Salt pollution is a serious issue for our waters. Let decision-makers know you support both safe communities and a healthier river. Read more
A red snow plow applying salt while traveling down a snowy road.
Our 2023 legislative priorities
From clean-water crops to invasive carp, here's a rundown of what we hope to accomplish at the Capitol. Read more
The top of the Minnesota Capitol building in St. Paul.
Why we need to act now against invasive carp
Sign our petition: Tell decision-makers to do their part to help prevent invasive carp from advancing further up the Mississippi River. Read more
A mass of sliver carp jumping high out of the water. Two carp researchers stand on a boat behind the jumping carp, holding nets.


Upcoming Events

Three options: August 15, September 17, October 5, 2024
Hidden Falls Regional Park, St. Paul
Thursday, September 26, 2024 - 6:00pm
Nicollet Island Pavilion, Minneapolis
Friday, September 27, 2024 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Vermillion River Linear Park, Hastings